Father’s Day is a wonderful day to celebrate the important men in our lives. However, for those without a father, either through bereavement or divorce, the day can be a painful reminder of loss.

Instead of Father’s Day being a day that makes you and your children feel alone or unloved, there are ways that you can celebrate and help both yourself and your children feel positive.
1 – Father’s Day can be an opportunity to celebrate another strong male role model; whether that’s a grandfather, uncle, brother or friend.
2 – There’s no reason why you shouldn’t write a card for a father lost through death, detailing in words how you feel about them can be extremely cathartic. You could light a candle for them / plant a tree / or share memories.
3 – Don’t minimise your feelings. If you feel sad, or need to have a cry or vent your emotions, do it. There’s no harm in children seeing your honest outpouring of grief; it’s natural and shows them that it’s okay to openly express negative emotions.

If you need any help or support dealing with feelings of loss, Therapy With Cheryl, based near Market Weighton can help you to explore your issues, putting them into perspective and providing you with tools to understand and address the problems you’re facing.

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